Apologies for the lack of posting. We have only just begun to venture into the magical world of blogging and the Lemon Blog is still in infancy.
I would like to share with you all our beautiful reenactment of the movie TITANIC, done with citrus fruits. (You might be aware that Titanic is coming back to theaters in a few days for the anniversary. Yay! But remember how horrible a tragedy the sinking of the ship Titanic was. Here is a moment of silence for the people who lost their lives--
Okay. And also would like to note, because my comrade Clementine is so particular about this, is that it is not The Titanic. It is just Titanic. Both the ship and the movie title. TITANIC. Got it?)
And now presenting....
A version of the epic masterpiece performed in citrus fruits. Try not to sob uncontrollably for the majority of the film. But most likely you will.
Also, I, Maeva, am providing a script of what exactly we are saying throughout as it is sometimes slightly hard to make out.
Clementine: The Titanic was setting off on its maiden voyage in April of 1912.
[Giggles heard off camera.]
Clementine: Doo doo doo doo doo....
[Trying to sing the theme of Titanic.]
Clementine: You're not recording it? Why are you recording it?
[More giggles.]
Maeva: Sing it!
Maeva: Oh no! An iceberg!
Maeva and Clementine (in unison): Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!
Maeva: It's all okay! It's not going to sink...it's unsinkable!
[Pieces of wood fall onto frozen surface of
Maeva: What was that?
Clementine: Oh my gosh.
Maeva: Make it start sinking!
[More giggles.]
Clementine: Doo doo doo--
[Sings theme. More giggles.]
Maeva: Oh nooo! JACK!
Clementine: Oh shoot, it was bow first...doo doo doo doo dooo!!!
[Continues to sing theme. Giggles off-camera.]
Maeva: It's taking too long....!
[Giggles and theme-singing.]
Maeva: Oh someone save me! (?) (Unintelligable.)
Maeva: Noo!
[Giggles giggles giggles giggles.]
Maeva: That's not the right way!
[Giggles and giggles and giggles...]
Clementine: COME ON!
Clementine: Why won't it sink?!
[More giggles...]
Clementine: But too much water was getting in, and...Noo!!!
Maeva: (Laughing) Oh no, Jack! Get onto a piece of wood!
Maeva: How come it's not sinking yet?!
Clementine: BLAHAHAHHH!
Clementine: Actually she did go under so it--
Both: Oh NOOOO oh noooooo....(Unintelligible.) Ahhahahahhahhaha!
Clementine: Why won't he GET OUT OF THE SHIP?!?
Maeva: (Laughing) Oh come on! Alright put them on a piece of wood--Ahhhh nooo!
Clementine: Rose and Jack tried to get to safety on a piece of wood--but, alas. It was only big enough for--for ROSE. And Jack...sat on the edge. While Rose nearly froze.
[Giggling off-camera.]
Clementine: Luckily---I mean unfortunately! Jack was not so lucky.
Maeva: (Laughing and sitting on the ground.) AHaahhahahhahaha.
Clementine: (Unintelligable)--Along with ALL the REST.
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